Online Learning Support

Parental Guides

Please click on the undernote to view parental guides for both Google Classroom and MS Teams.

Parents’ Guide To Google Classroom

Parents’ Guide to MS Teams

Resources For Remote Learning

Support and resource for remote learning for parents/carers

the weblink link is: Shire Digital Support


Educational Psychology Service Phone Line

Remote Learning: Learner and Parent Responsibilities

Roles & Responsibilities – Learners

o Dedicate appropriate time to learning, as guided by your teacher(s)
o Check appropriate online platforms, as directed by the school, for information on courses, assignments, activities and resources daily.
o Identify an appropriate space to study/learn.
o Submit all assignments in accordance with provided timeline and/or due dates.
o Be mindful of your social and emotional well-being.

Roles & Responsibilities – Parents

Support their child / children in their learning by:
o Providing an environment conducive to learning (access to technology, appropriate study space during daytime).
○ Engaging in conversations on posted materials / assignments / activities.
○ Monitoring time spent engaging in online and offline learning, including variables such as preferred learning times (morning, afternoon, evening). Too much screen time must be avoided.
○ Support emotional balance by providing ample room and time for reflection, physical activity, conversation, and down-time.